Michael Mario Albrecht
Gender, Sexuality, and Media
Fall, 2012, Eckerd College
List of Readings and Viewings
Sue. “Postfeminism Meets Hegemonic Masculinities: Young People Read the
‘Knowing Wink’ in Advertising. The
Handbook of Gender, Sex, and Media. Ed. Karen Ross. Malden, MA:
Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. Print.
Boys Don’t Cry. Dir. Kimberly Peirce. Fox Searchlight Pictures,
1999. Film.
Virginia. “‘The Women are Doing it For Themselves’: The Rhetoric of Choice and
Agency around Female Genital ‘Cosmetic Surgery.’” Australian Feminist Studies 24.60 (2009): 233-249. Web.
Bridget Jones’s Diary. Dir. Sharon Maguire. Universal Pictures,
2001. Film.
Brokeback Mountain. Dir. Ang Lee. Good Machine, 2005. Film.
Laura A. K. “‘How Big is Big Enough?’: Steve, Big, and Phallic Masculinity in Sex and the City.” Feminist Media Studies 10.1 (2010): 87-98. Web.
Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the
Subversion of Identity. New
York: Routledge, 1990. Print.
The Codes of Gender. Dir. Sut Jhally. Media Education Foundation,
2010. Film.
James and Stuart Aitken. “Street Fighting: Placing the Crisis of Masculinity in
David Fincher’s Fight Club.” GeoJournal 59.4 (2004): 289-296. Web.
Daniel Tosh: Completely Serious. Dir. Manny Rodriguez. Levity
Productions, 2007. Film.
Meredith Suzanne. “The Last Triangle: Sex, Money and the Politics of Pubic
Hair.” MA Thesis. Queens University, 2001. Web.
Susan J. The Rise of Enlightened Sexism:
How Pop Culture Took us from Girl Power to Girls Gone Wild. New York: St.
Martins, 2010. Print.
Egan, R. Danielle and Gail Hawkes. “Girls, Sexuality, and the Strange
Carnalities of Advertisements.” Australian Feminist Studies 23.57
(2008): 307-322. Web.
Maite. “Ethics, Authorship, and the Representation of Drag Kings in
Contemporary US Popular Culture.” The
Journal of Popular Culture 44.2 (2011): 256-73. Web.
Female Trouble. Dir. John Waters. Dreamland, 1974. Film.
Fight Club Dir. David Fincher. Fox 2000 Pictures, 1999. Film.
Finley, Nancy J.
“Skating Femininity: Gender
Maneuvering in Women’s Roller Derby.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 39.4
(2010): 359-387.
Foucault, Michel.
The History of Sexuality. Vol. 1:
An Introduction. Trans. Robert
Hurley. New York: Parthenon Press, 1978. Print.
Franco, Judith.
“Extreme Makeover: The Politics
of Gender, Class, and Cultural Identity.”
Television & New Media 9.6
(2008): 471-486. Web.
Sarah and Steve J. Jackson. “Leisure Corporations, Beer Brand Culture, and the
Crisis of Masculinity: Speight’s ‘Southern Man’ Advertising Campaign.” Leisure Studies 31.1 (2012): 83-102.
Gies, Lieve. “Stars Behaving
Badly.” Feminist Media Studies 11.3
(2011): 347-61. Web.
Georgina. “Transgender Tribute Bands and the Subversion of Male Rites of
Passage through the Performance of Heavy Metal Music.” Journal for Cultural Research. 2012. Forthcoming.
Leslie and Scott Varda. “Modesty and Feminisms: Conversations on Aesthetics and
Resistance.” Feminist Formations 24.3
(2012): Pages TBA. [Forthcoming]
Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Dir. John Cameron Mitchell. Killer
Films, 2001. Film.
Hell on Wheels. Dir. Bob Ray. CrashCam Films, 2007.
Lynne. “Fucking Vito: Masculinity and Sexuality in The Sopranos.” The Handbook
of Gender, Sex, and Media. Ed. Karen Ross. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell,
2012. Print.
Katrin. “Camping With the Stars: Queer Performativity, Pop Intertexuality, and
Camp in the Pop Art of Lady Gaga.” Current
Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies 11 (2010). Web.
Ann. “The Subtleties of Blatant Sexism.” Communication
and Critical/Cultural Studies 4.2 (2007): 166-83. Web.
Meredith. “Media Bodies and Screen-Births: Cosmetic Surgery Reality Television.
Continuum: Journal of Media &
Cultural Studies 22.4 (2008): 515-24.
Angela. The Aftermath of Feminism:
Gender, Culture and Social Change. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications,
2009. Print.
Erin. “Gossip Blogs and ‘Baby Bumps’: The New Visual Spectacle of Female
Celebrity in Gossip Meida.” The Handbook
of Gender, Sex, and Media. Ed. Karen Ross. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell,
2012. Print.
My Penis and Everyone Else’s. Dir. Lawrence Barraclough.
Firecracker Films, 2007. Film.
Oates, Thomas P.
“The Erotic Gaze in the NFL Draft.”
Communication and
Critical/Cultural Studies 4.1 (2007):
“Men Behaving Badly: Mediocre Masculinity and The Man Show.” Journal of
Popular Culture 42.6 (2009): 1053-72. Film.
The Perfect Vagina. Dir.
Heather Leach. North One Television, 2008. Film.
Anne Helen. “That Teenage Feeling.” Feminist
Media Studies 12.1 (2012): 51-67. Web.
Pitcher, Karen C.
“The Staging of Agency in Girls Gone
Wild.” Critical Studies in Media Communication 23.3 (2006): 200-218. Web.
Limor and Dafna Lemish. “‘Mars and Venus’ in Virtual Space: Post-Feminist Humor
and the Internet.” Critical Studies in
Media Communication 28.3 (2011): 253-73.
Helene. “Consuming Passions: “Educating
Desire” in Brokeback Mountain.” Critical Studies in Media Communication
28.3 (2001): 173-92. Web.
Susan. “Notes on Camp.” Against
Interpretation and other Essays. New York: Picador Press, 2001. Print.
Starsuckers. Dir. Chris Atkins. S2S Productions, 2009.
Twilight. Dir. Catherine Hardwicke. Summit Entertainment, 2008.
“The Virgin Daughters.” Cutting Edge. Dir. Jane Treays. Grenada Television, 2008. Web.
Young Adult. Dir. Jason Reitman. Paramount Pictures, 2011. Film.
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