1. Statehood -- A Puerto Rican referendum voted for statehood. D.C. has wanted statehood for years. Getting them through congress would be difficult, but this seems to be a good time to start that discussion.
2. Cuba -- It's been fifty-three years since Castro took power. Cuba has lifted the travel ban. Obama could help out a lot of people by normalizing relations with the closest noncontinuous country to the U.S.
3. Currency -- We waste a lot of money on dollar bills and pennies. This would be an easy common-sense thing that he could do that would save money. Also, I'd like to get Andrew Jackson off the twenty because of his role in the genocide of American Indians. Perhaps MLK or Rosa Parks would be a good replacement? We don't have any African Americans on currency.
4. Corn -- He doesn't have to primary in Iowa in four years, so this seems like a good time to get off the corn subsidies that waste energy and discourage biodiversity in our farming and our diet. It also seems like the kind of "government handout" that republicans hate.
5. The Drug War -- CO and WA voted for the "sticky icky," which is going to conflict with federal law. Obama could just stop prioritizing the drug war and could pardon those who are in jail for minor pot charges, (which would again save lots of money).
6. Lower Drinking Age -- It's absurd that one can get sent overseas to die in war and can't buy a beer. College students are criminalized for doing the most "college" thing one can do.
7. Pull out the troops...from Germany and Japan. It's been sixty-two years since the end of WWII. I think it's time to let them have a military again.
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